🪴 Rhitik's Notebook


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Last updated Dec 11, 2023 Edit Source

Message tagger will basically run a pipeline on conversational chatter that comes in from platforms like Slack, Teams.

It will provide features like,

Tagging - Tagging of user who might be responsible for the incoming message. this is basically recommendation. To me, it looks more of a recommendation problem, rather than tagging. So I am gonna call it recommendation. Tracking - Tracking of messages, reminding the human about something that they might have missed out on. Recommendations - What messages might be of interest to you. Segregation - Splitting messages in segments, chatter segment, important segment.

# Day 1 (25th July 2023)

I don’t know who to reach out to at the moment. As per lean startup, before starting, I should reach out to potential customers. That should help me in refining my idea.

There are two profiles. One is that of a Buyer. One is User.

Buyers, would be CIOs or a VP or Country Head. Users, would be everyone whoever communicates on Slack/Teams.

So firstly, I think I should reach out to Users. Once I have a working solution, I must reach out to the Buyers. So let’s keep Buyers in the backlog for now.

I have some friends whose companies use Slack. Even the company where I work at uses Slack. So time to reach out to some folks.

So two things before I head into the conversations.

Who do I talk to?

What set of questions I ask them? How do I quantify their responses?

QuestionFollowup QWhy should I ask this?
Have you come across a message, where you were not notified, but the message was of interest to you?How do you discover such messages that might be of interest to you but you were not notified about them?This will help understand their workflow, as to how they discover such messages, and also validate the hypothesis that it could be a painpoint in using Slack/Teams right now.
How do you keep track of your conversations that happen online? If you have to reach back out to someone, how do you keep track of it?Have you used reminder feature in slack, to remind you about some message after sometime? How often you slip replying to some message that you were supposed to follow up on on slack?This will validate the feature for following up with someone.
How many times have you been interrupted by notifications from slack/teams about messages that you don’t necessarily care about?Do you tweak your slack settings to get notified about certain messages on channels? Or you don’t care? Is the notification system a pain in the a for you?This will help understand if the notification system in these conversational platforms working for the end user?
Do you like bucketing system in Gmail, where the Gmail algorithm buckets the email into Primary, Communication, Social, Forums.Would a similar bucketing system help on slack, segmenting messages into buckets, like Important, Chatter, Informational.This will help in validation of the feature in which I am segmenting the messages into clusters.

# Day 2 (26th July 2023)

Today I am planning to make calls to my friends. To specifically talk about the pain in messaging tools.

Also, to measure my output I am going to define key objectives for the day, and track those.

I want to,

  1. Think about more feature set.
  2. Fixate the final set of questions.