🪴 Rhitik's Notebook


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Hello, Rhitik here! 👋🏼

I am a Product Developer working w/  CommerceIQ, helping e-commerce brands increase their market share. Previously, I have worked with  Rivet Labs as their first employee, helping brands forecasting their financials. And I started it all with another early stage startup,  Skylark Drones as a full stack intern.

# Wanna chat?

Always on look out for networking, feel free to block a slot on my  calendar.

email: rhitikbhatt [at] gmail [dot] com

Additionally I can be found at,



# Bookmarks

# What I am upto?

Building in Public 👷🏽

# What I like?

Favorite Music 🎶

Favorite Podcasts 🎙️

# Miscellaneous


Services I have subscribed to 💸

Words of wisdom 🧙

What am I listening to?

Today I learned

Recent Notes